The history of the Real Christ (updated on June 25)


Since the 15th century, the damned have known that the real Christ would be on Earth from 1st July 1989. Indeed, approximately during the Renaissance period, French humanists created a common spirit in addition to their own spirit to protect themselves against the damned. Despite the fact that they only shared a small part of their own spirit, they were fully protected from the damned. Because of this, they understood that the Holy Spirit supported them. 

Moreover, they knew that Jesus was a damned program. Therefore, they decided to reveal the truth and prepared this during several centuries with humanist families of different countries, including Chinese families. At this moment, the paternal family of the real Christ devoted their lives to humanist causes. Indeed, since several centuries, they had been well-known for this. They held positions that implied travelling such as counsellors of the emperors and diplomats.

However, the project was discovered by the damned and these latters were sure that the real Christ would be sent by the Holy Spirit, especially because of the protection that the involved members of the project received by the Holy Spirit.

Since this moment, the damned have tried to program as much as possible the life of the real Christ with the insane aim to force her to transfer her spirit to them. Indeed, they had informations about the involved members. For example, they influenced the ancestors of the real Christ and programmed History by taking into account her future arrival. Among the programs, there were the Chinese, the French and the American revolutions. Indeed, they hoped that the Real Christ would perceive History and also facts of her generations as signs (negative as well positive signs). 

Furthermore, they falsified the history of the Chinese empire and millions of damned changed their last name to stop the members of the project finding the real Fang family. More precisely, millions of damned used the name of the Chinese families involved in the project. As a consequence, the involved members no longer had the possibility to implement their project.

Contrary to the damned that only have one spirit in their body, the families of the common protecting spirit always keep their own spirit and therefore have two spirits in their body. 

Despite the situation, the Holy Spirit has created the real Christ spirit as intended.

Moreover, several descendants of the members of the project including French descendants still have the common protecting spirit and can help the real Christ.

If some readers would like to create a common spirit, it is important to know that this common spirit will influence you. Therefore, it must only be created with the explicit aim to help the real Christ. Ultimately, gracefully ask the goodwill of the Holy Spirit when you will create it.


Louise Fang

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