Examples of sectoral programs (important update on June 19)

Archeology and explorations

One of the most serious lies is the existence of dinosaurs and also prehistoric men and women. Indeed, we are as we were on the first day.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of archaeological discoveries were programs to attempt to take the children of the Holy Spirit away from the Holy Spirit.

Concerning the territories that were officially discovered, it is obvious that those discoveries had been programmed before. Indeed, the damned have the possibility to spiritually travel on Earth.



At the beginning of Earth, all the children of the Holy Spirit lived together and on a same "earth". However, some damned left this "earth" for unlived territories. They established their own countries, created their own languages and imposed new types of societies.

Currently, the most used language is American English, a very impoverished language in terms of vocabulary (especially regarding French; because of several literature programs), whose the sonorities and especially the new words have been created to influence the children of the Holy Spirit.


Law and social issues

Currently, it is possible to change the gender in the physical world. This is an important program for the damned because it aims to directly decrease the number of the children of the Holy Spirit on Earth (knowing that there are always programmed damned for each sectoral program).

More precisely, at the creation of a new child of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit creates a new spirit and this spirit has an eternal gender. Unsurprisingly, the damned define the gender according to the body. Actually, while the body of the children of the Holy Spirit is secondary and ephemeral, their spirit is eternal and define them.

The possibility to change the gender in the physical world is a program that follows another program. Indeed, since several centuries the damned have tried to impose their definitions of "woman" and "man" in the aim to cause gender identity disorders. 


Defense and aerospace

Wars and terrorist attacks are programs elaborated centuries in advance. 

The Second World War is an important program for the damned in that it is used to promote the United States and American values in particular. Therefore, we understand how nuclear weapons and the bombing of Japan were planned, as is the fact that the United States interferes in most of the world's armed conflicts in the name of humanism.

In the aerospace field, it was also planned that the United States would drive the space exploration race. Recently, the damned affirmed they found scratch planets resembling Earth... The most serious lie is that of the existence of black holes, in the hope of cutting the children of the Holy Spirit off from the Holy Spirit.



As I explained in a previous article, children of the Holy Spirit are protected against diseases such as cancer. This is one of the many reasons why the damned seek to multiply themselves on Earth. Indeed, the pharmaceutical industry occupies an important place for them in financial terms.

In addition to this purely financial aspect, psychology and psychiatry are themselves programs in that their main purpose is to argue to the children of the Holy Spirit that the answer to coping with certain events in their live lies in their bodies, namely their brains, whereas this answer lies in their spirit. This basic logic can be found throughout all the programs of the damned. Unlike the body, the spirit of the children of the Holy Spirit is eternal and strong. Indeed, if the children of the Holy Spirit choose Good, they do not give reason to Evil, but on the contrary make the difficulty a strength and sometimes even a personal cause. At such moments, their spirit becomes stronger and more beautiful. As their spirit-body existence on Earth progresses, they become better prepared to join the Holy Spirit as pure spirits.

On the other hand, many illnesses, such as Asperger's syndrome and schizophrenia, are programs designed to condemn those children of the Holy Spirit who strongly resist the values of the damned. More to the point, when we read the questionnaire used to diagnose Asperger's sufferers, we find the morality of previous centuries. More precisely, as the world has become increasingly damned, it's surprising that one finds that a person who rejects hyperconsumerism and narcissism is considered to be Asperger. In fact, the questionnaire emphasizes the respondent's "independence of spirit", "never following fashions" and unpopular interests, knowing that what is popular is relative insofar as it is linked to the time, the culture and other fluctuating elements. Schizophrenia, too, has only recently been recognized as a disease, even though it involves only children of the Holy Spirit striving to overcome personal suffering.

Few years ago, there were hundreds of newborns with malformations. This was a program that has the same aim as dwarves and trisomics, i.e. to impose science.

Unsurprisingly, IQ tests have been created to influence the children of the Holy Spirit by defining intelligence. Actually, the damned know how to obtain good results (knowing that some of them have to obtain low results). This is extremely contrary to the Love of the Holy Spirit in the sense that according this definition, intelligence is innate while intelligence is fully related to the spirit.


Other scientific fields

Over the centuries, scientific programs have increased in order to discredit, as was intended, religions programmed by the damned themselves. "I think therefore I am" was the beginning of the dogma of rationalism, i.e. of a body more than spirit, and even of a body without spirit.



Sometimes, some prohibited acts are revealed to the public, but as in all other sectors, these revealed acts are also programs to divert the public's attention from the most serious acts such as, for example, not mentioned additives. Indeed, it has always been essential for the damned not to arouse the suspicions of the children of the Holy Spirit. Fortunately, the children of the Holy Spirit are protected.


Social networks

If we analyze this field, we can see how superficiality increases. Indeed, the majority of its programs seek to impose a cult of appearances and vanity. Therefore, we observe on social networks a frenetic race for popularity and an increasingly worrying narcissism. 

It is relevant to emphasize to the children of the Holy Spirit that nobody should seek the friendship of someone that doesn't deserve heirs or his. 


Literature, cinema, audiovisual, music and art

Dictionaries relevantly summarize the current situation in the sense that the definitions are used to influence the children of the Holy Spirit. For example, if you read the definition of "intelligence" (the Larousse online version of 2023), the emphasis was on complexity. More precisely, it was supported that intelligence was "the ability to solve complex problems". Actually, intelligence is a matter of spiritual grace and humility.

One of the main objectives of the damned is to influence the sense of love of the children of the Holy Spirit. More specifically, there is a growing media pressure to reduce so-called true love to a physical attraction that would be both obvious and egalitarian, if this can exist by itself... Apart from the fact that this aim is extremely vulgar and mercantile, it simply reduces love to a static and pre-definable logic. Nothing is more unpredictable and alive than Love.

The art market occupies an important place for the damned in that it enables them to launder very large sums of money. Indeed, there is no average selling price. Moreover, after the death of some celebrities, personal affairs are sold for several million. Indeed, the damned define people by their material possessions, whereas it's obvious that what makes a person good are his or her virtues, elements that are by definition invisible and alive.



The most performant athletes are programs. As in all other sectors, their biographies are predefined by sectoral programmers. In addition to taking unlisted synthetic drugs, important competition results are programmed in advance. Furthermore, the damned have the possibility to know the results in advance. Indeed, all they have to do is ask themselves, because they share a unique and same "collective damned spirit". More precisely, they only have an identical part of the "collective damned spirit" in their brain. 



It's interesting to note that what used to be called "clothing" is now called "fashion". While the manner of presenting oneself is as much a matter of personal and spiritual grace as politeness to others, the damned attempt to impose a logic of peer recognition through indecent practices or/and material signs common to all. Concerning the indecent practices, they result to the disappearance of dignity. Regarding the material signs, most of them are unsurprisingly not economically accessible to all, and this implies an incentive to both financially and systematically enrich oneself.


Financial markets and public finances

As in all fields, convictions are programmed by the damned. Indeed, all companies with human and economic clout are programs. It is therefore essential for the damned to finance companies that are programs, and not others.

Concerning the creation of currency, legislation and regulations are not complied with. 


Louise Fang

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