Join the real Christ and the spirits of Good that are already informed to kill the full spirit of the damned (updated on June 19)



Thousands of years ago, a very large number of people mutually created the same and unique spirit in order to commit serious and criminal acts. More precisely, this common spirit enables the damned to communicate with each other and to use the energy of this spirit to kill or injure other damned. Indeed, there are different factions of damned. When this spirit was created, these damned chose to no longer have their own spirit, with the aim of transferring as much energy as possible to the common spirit. This criminal spirit still exists to this day, and can be found in the bodies of many of its descendants, following a subdivided logic.

Other people fall into damnation the moment they choose to serve Evil.

Thus, there are two categories of damned on Earth and there is not any difference between them except the fact that the first category of damned access to more informations. Moreover, the first category of damned spirit is in the large majority of cases explicitly shared with the second category of damned when the two categories meet each other in the physical world. Indeed, when damned meet each other, they can recognize that the other is the same as them.

Contrary to the children of the Holy Spirit, the damned are incapable to feel any emotion that they de facto need to pretend to have some, so as not to arouse suspicion in the children of the Holy Spirit that the damned exist. 

Therefore, the damned don’t have the ability to love. Their entire private and public life are programmed in advance by "programmers".

For thousands of years, the two categories of damned have been "programming" the world centuries in advance to serve their ignominy. As the children of the Holy Spirit are protected from the damned as they are from diseases such as cancer, the damned go to great lengths to misrepresent the Holy Spirit.

Among these attempts there is the so-called Jesus. Indeed, there have always been programs in all fields, and first and foremost in churches of all religions, which are themselves programs, even if there are of course true believers in the world. Martyrs are also programs. More precisely, they are murdered by the damned in a planned manner, even though the program they accepted did not include this.

As for slavery, it was a program too, and only concerned damned.

The damned have also created numerous animal and plant species as well as varieties through successive hybridizations and also embryonic alterations by spiritually entering bodies or plants.

In the field of sports, the most performant athletes take synthetic drugs that are not known to screening tests.

Whatever the sector concerned, the damned who are publicly exposed have the body, the name, the biography and the false personality of their program that are defined in advance by "sectoral programmers". In fact, damned spirits enter the body of the pregnant woman and modify the fetus in order to influence its future physical appearance. The main reason behind this is to encourage the children of the Holy Spirit to believe that body and material world are stronger than spirit. More precisely, the damned hope to make believe that spirit is defined by body and material world.

Ultimately, wars and terrorist attacks are also programs elaborated centuries in advance.


The United States is a "program country" itself, where evil is considered as a religion. The statue of Satan that simply sits on American streets with two children is an apology for pedophilia.

This product also promotes pedophilia:


All the programs were easily implemented thanks to the existence of a person who was in charge of all the damned and who passed on instructions to them.

That person had the particularity of having in his body both his own piece of the full damned spirit as well as the full damned spirit. The own piece of this damned spirit has been killed and is now in Hell.


Since the damned attacked the real Christ frontally, the manifestations of the Holy Spirit have multiplied, including earthquakes, tornadoes, storms and typhoons.

Indeed, the Holy Spirit has always punished the damned and has never punished them so much, especially in the United States.


There has always been nothing but attempts against the children of the Holy Spirit in the sense that the children of the Holy Spirit are spiritually linked to the Holy Spirit.

Whatever happens in the physical world, the children of the Holy Spirit distinguish Good and Evil and are protected from the damned.


If the real Christ is currently on Earth, it's also to shed light on what's inside every child of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, to fully receive the love of the Holy Spirit, all you have to do is believe in the love of the Holy Spirit.

It goes without saying that every person who chooses Good is protected by the Holy Spirit in exactly the same way as the real Christ is.

By walking on the real earth, the original earth and not a concrete road, the children of the Holy Spirit will feel all the tenderness of the love of the Holy Spirit.


The real Christ invites her sisters and brothers to join her in her fight against the spirit of Evil.

If you have at least two spirits in your body, you'll be able to think about the real Christ and feel the presence of the spirit of Evil against which the real Christ has fought since the end of June 2023.

You will also have the ability to enter the bodies of the damned, to annihilate their own spirits as well as their bodies, that will be annihilated simultaneously with all the other bodies of the damned once the entire spirit of the damned has been annihilated.

Nothing is stronger than the Holy Spirit and the children of the Holy Spirit.


Louise Fang

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